
This machine was inspired by a pen plotter. It gets it's instructions from a computer which translates music into midi signals, these are transmitted by radio and used to control the electromotors and brushes.It looks srtrange, but the machine actually moves on the music. For theater however it was not suitable. As an autonomous piece of art it is more succesfull. Edwin Dertien designed the electronics for me.

The machine has performed at several occasions, but is quite unhandy due to it's size and due to the big sheet of paper that's needed under it. Ink is not a convenient medium because it stains the floors but it is hard to find something better. Sand is also an option but requires a heavier construction of the "traveller" and another mechanism to draw with it. Maybe some experimenting without moving the traveller and a simple construction with 4 containers that can be opened and closed will do for an experiment.

Later the walkman was changed, new logic and a new printing medium was introduced: fire gel. Drawing with chalk was also made possible which is more convenient than wet paint. It performed at Gogbot 2009 and Grenswerk 2009 in Enschede and in Diepenheim at the opening of ArtDiepenheim.

Testing the machine under construction without the electronics and brushes, drawings with chalk on the floor of my studio. These drawings were not music generated but are similar to the ones you can make with the "spirograph"

The brushes that paint 4 different colours (YMCK or other if desired, here black indian ink is used). They receive the ink through tubes, and the brushes are lowered with an electromagnetic actuator.

painting with watercolor

On it's way to gogbot. meeting the enschede-gronau train

The chalk has been changed by a fire gel extruder. Painting with burning lines is now possible

Here the set up for Grenswerk, ready to roll and draw burning sketches



